Street ABC

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Albion Street

Albion Street

Albion Street 1966



  1. Steve Noonan says:
    A photograph of Albion Street taken in 1949 from St Georges tower. My dad lived here, or should I say, his family, during war time. I think they moved three times between 1940 - 1944. To the right of the photo a large upright chimney can be seen. This was located within Cobbs Quarry and was connected to the incinerator which burnt household rubbish. My father told me that a large aerial was at the top which sent out radio waves, long before Radio Merseyside came on the scene. I believe there was also a family of peregrine falcons which nested in a hole in the brickwork near the top of the chimney. The local pigeon fanciers were glad when the chimney was demolished in the 1950's. Unfortunately for the locals when the chimney went so did much smaller the form of hearth crickets. They lived in the warmth of the old building. These small chirping insects moved into the local houses like a plague. I wonder if anyone out there remembers this.
  2. Ken Rogers says:
    A little girl skips along Albion Street.
  3. Ken Rogers says:
    Abion Street in 1966

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