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Elmore Street

  1. Steve Noonan says:
    The 'Heinz Beans' hoarding on the corner of Elmore Street with a wood yard behind it. Next to it was the old Maypole. I do not remember it ever being open. And next door again was my friends sweet shop 'Suttons'. All on Heyworth Street, a thriving thoroughfare which was sadly demolished in the early seventies. A crime I will never forgive the planners for.
  2. Steve Noonan says:
    Elmore Street to the right of the infamous 'Cat and Doggy' shop which sold everything. In the sixties this shop was owned by the Stinson Family. On the opposite corner was a wood yard which was situated behind a hoarding.I believe Ricky Tomlinson lived in this street (or it may have been the next one down, LanceStreet). A group of us lads, now in our mid teens, in the early seventies used to comeback on Sundays and play football in the school yard opposite. Ricky's brothers Albert and Ronnie used to play as well and they would bring along a few of their friends, namely David Johnson and Steve Seargeant, both at Everton at the time. They must have heard how good the games were. Indeed on one occasion Joe Royle turned up. If Catterick had have found out I'm sure they would have been in trouble as the tarmac surface could have damaged a few knees with a late challenge. Happy days.

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