Street ABC

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Fox Street

Fox Street
  1. Maurice Rigby says:
    Ken, Apologies if I’ve sent you the Fox Street photo again. For some reason I had internet problems and the site didn’t acknowledge the photo had been sent. On one of your photos in Netherfield Road dated 24 April 2019 @ 3.12 pm, you show a partial shot of a building in the distance which is suggested might be the Queens ph. It looks like a photo I have on the corner of Abram Street and near to the Tugboat
  2. Maurice Rigby says:
    View of Fox Street, corner of Richmond Row, in March 1987 and before its demolition in March 1995.
  3. Ken Rogers says:
    Looking towards Fox Street from adjacent Rose Place.
  4. Steve Noonan says:
    Fox Street with the large warehouse belonging to Swainbanks Ltd. This property used to belong to Avery's and before that, Berry and Warmingtons weighbridge makers.
  5. Steve Noonan says:
    Fox Street in 1963. The Walkers House on the right was the Brown Cow.
  6. Ken Rogers says:
    Nice memory of Fox Street from Alex Wilson below. We are looking for more pictures and memories from this famous street if anyone can help.
  7. Alex Wilson says:
    Hi Ken, I used to live in Bute Street in the 'landing dwellings' opposite St.Mary of the Angels where my mum and dad got married in 1946. I was born in 1951. We moved to Goodison road in 1955 and like yourself have been a blue all my life, having a season ticket in the upper Gladwys. I just wondered if you had any photographs of the dwellings in Bute street at the time I lived there? I have been to a couple of your get-togethers and intend to visit in July. All the very best Ken. See you at Wembley!
  8. Ken Rogers says:
    St Mary of the Angels was a Roman Catholic Church in Fox Street
  9. Ken Rogers says:
    Fox Street was an important and busy little street. It continued south where the famous Great Homer Street ended and linked up with the equally well known Richmond Row. If you have an image of Fox Street, please upload it here or leave a comment/memory about this street.

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